FemRhet Yoga
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, 7:00-7:45am
We will be practicing beginner-friendly vinyasa-style yoga – everybody and every body is welcome! No experience necessary. Our purpose is to honor the embodied experience of the conference attendee by clearing the mind and moving the body, through uniting poses with breath. Come dressed to move; it’s the perfect excuse to wear yoga pants to conference sessions. Join us Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the busy day ahead!
If you are able to bring your own mat, please do so. We will do our best to provide mats for everyone else.
About the instructor: Sarah Moseley, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the English Department’s General Faculty at the University of Virginia. She teaches yoga at UVA, Hot Yoga Charlottesville, and the Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women. After many years of conference-attending herself, she is excited to offer yoga at FemRhets this year to counteract all the traveling, sitting, and mental busy-ness of the conference experience. Her research is on women’s entrance into the fire department.