seminar: learning together

Learning Together: Gathering Resources and Building Critical Mass for Feminist Community Writing
Friday, October 6, 9:00 – 10:45am
Marriott Ballroom

Seminar Conveners:
Jenn Fishman, Marquette University
Megan Faver Hartline, Trinity College

Discussion Leaders:
Jackie Hoermann-Elliott, Texas Christian University
Traci Gardner, Virginia Tech University
Tarez Samra Graban, Florida State University
Tamara Issak, Syracuse University
Maria Novotny, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Dawn Opel, Michigan State University

Use this LINK to sign up by September 15th.

This seminar is an opportunity for everyone at Feminisms and Rhetorics to share resources, skills, and stories while also building critical mass for ongoing work in feminist community writing.

Part seminar, part un-seminar, we’ve based “Learning Together” on the following premises:

  • There is a great deal we can learn from each other, whether we are long-time practitioners of community writing, avid readers of community writing scholarship, or students first undertaking community writing projects.

  • The most valuable resources for community writing include usable resources or tools of diverse kinds and stories of their use.

  • The feminist dimensions of community writing are important, and we as feminist scholars can help increase their visibility through our praxes.

With these ideas in mind, we invite you to join us Friday morning at FemRhet. Everyone who attends this seminar should come ready to share at least one and as many as seven resources for doing feminist community writing. By resources, we mean not only publications of all kinds but also people, ideas, activities, and things that you consider essential to your work as a feminist community writing practitioner. By “ready to share,” we mean prepared to introduce your resource (or resources) to others and explain its (or their) importance to your work. In other words, come ready to tell stories about the resource(s) you choose. We also understand “feminist community writing” as a capacious term that encompasses a great range of activity, including activism and organizing, administration, research and scholarship, and teaching of diverse kinds.

The seminar itself will be divided into three main parts. First, the seminar team will offer framing examples of resources they use in their own feminist community writing work. Second, participants will form un-seminar-style breakout groups, which will give everyone an opportunity to share their resources and stories. Last, we’ll come together to pool what we have learned about feminist community writing, raise questions, and identify topics for further consideration.

All seminar participants will also be invited to contribute a brief write-up of their resources to an online cache, which will be compiled at both Feminisms and Rhetorics and the Conference on Community Writing and will ultimately become a public resource.

Use this LINK to sign up by September 15th.